Read the previous newsletters here
December 2021
After more than a year and a half of separation due to COVID-19, the Danish and Palestinian colleagues in The Danish House are finally gathered again under the same roof in Ramallah. Soon we will launch two ambitious projects that will show how COVID-19 has affected young people and the civil society in Palestine – […]
January 2021
Our COVID-19 Warrior campaign has been launched and we are distributing child friendly materiel about corona to the children of the West Bank. Silly Lilly is communicating with the children online and has been viewed over 42,000 times.
April 2020
The break out of corona virus has affected our work. We are setting up new and safe working procedures. Hopefully, we will soon be able to see each other again in beautiful Ramallah.
July 2020
We are still dealing with COVID-19 and the work of our partners are affected. Read about their transformation of the projects into cool projects working in a corona friendly way.
March 2021
Tamer Institute for Community Education, is with the support from the Danish House publishing the first volume of Palestinian folktales and we are once again applying for the Operation Days work.
June 2021
In May, Israel subjected the Palestinians to the deadliest attacks since the 2008 and 2014 wars in Gaza. Because of that we launched a new fundraising campaign from private donors in Denmark that have been very interesting in donating to the Palestinians.
October 2021
With your invaluable support and donations we have until now raised more than 340,000 DKK. Through art and therapy, our project is going to support children in a way that makes them capable of coping with the trauma and loss they experienced during the military escalation in Gaza in May.
October 2017
“Just like the marking of the 50-year of Israeli occupation earlier this year, the centenary of the Balfour Declaration holds an opportunity to raise awareness of the occupation of Palestine and draw attention to the harsh realities faced by Palestinians on a daily basis.” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
December 2017
“During my time here, I’ve put great emphasis on establishing equal partnerships with competent Palestinian organizations. I’m happy to see that this had resulted in a string of projects and activities, which have relevance for Palestine.” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
March 2018
“It is now time to look further ahead: How do we ensure continued growth? How do we increase the value of our work? How do we strengthen and diversify our donor base?” Troels Dalgaard, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
June 2018
“This past spring has seen a number of changes for the Danish House.” Mohammad Awar, Acting Director, The Danish House in Palestine.
November 2018
We, in The Danish House in Palestine, have revealed our new director. And, naturally, our many other projects have continued.
March 2019
A lively house, guests with vitamins, new projects – and many more members of our social media family.
August 2019
These past months, freedom of expression has taken up a lot of our times. But focus has also been on art and litterature.
January 2020
We have entered a new decade with plenty of new and exciting projects ahead! But first a look at what we have been doing this fall.
March 2017
“The value of knowing your own history is indisputable. It is therefore encouraging to see a recent string of initiatives aimed at better preserving and documenting Palestine history.” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
May 2017
“The 50-year of Israeli occupation is indeed a sad anniversary. Yet, we sincerely hope that June 2017 will help put the Palestinian issue higher on the global agenda.” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
July 2017
“In late 2016, we began exploring options for expanding our cultural activities to include sports. We decided on a pilot project about boxing, an area with strong traction in both Palestine and Denmark.” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
June 2016
“I am personally disappointed that Denmark is not ready to recognize Palestine as an independent state, but it also encourages me to keep on working for respectful and favourable relationships between Danes and Palestinians.” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
September 2016
“As we now enter our 7th year of operations, we’ll continue to base our work on close cooperation with Palestinian partners, thereby further strengthening the mutual appreciation between our cultures.” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
December 2016
“Growing up in Palestine is far from easy, especially in refugee camps, where clashes, shootings and tear gas have replaced the joy and laughter that should be a matter of course in any child’s life. There are efforts, however, to move the lives of children in refugee camps in the right direction.” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, […]
September 2015
“When you are living and working in Palestine it is simply impossible to separate culture and political context.” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
November 2015
“Working in Palestine is a delicate balance during escalating violence.” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
January 2016
“The New Year is always a time for reflection. With regard to the context around us I am caught somewhere between hope and realism.” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
March 2016
“While it is hard to be an optimist in a political context as the one in Palestine it is hard to be a pessimist surrounded by the talent, competence and creativity that defines Palestinians.” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
July 2015
“We see injustice but also defiance. We see sacrifices but also hope. We see problems but also potential!” Lone Bildsøe Lassen, Director of the Danish House in Palestine.
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